General Cat Information
This page includes information to help you become a more informed cat owner. None of the information provided should be considered veterinary advice and if you think there is a reason to be concerned about your cat, please contact your veterinarian as soon as possible.
Are there any risks to letting my cat go outside?
There are several risks to letting your personal cat go outside. The number one risk is that your cat can be seriously injured or killed by a car. Unsupervised outdoor cats can also get into fights and be injured by other cats and dogs. Outdoor cats are at risk of licking plants containing pesticides or ingesting toxic plants. Mosquitoes, fleas and ticks can expose your cat to various diseases. Lastly, outdoor cats can be a nuisance to your neighbors if they go to the bathroom on their property or scratch their cats. Indoor cats may be more likely to be overweight or bored, but as a cat owner you can buy cat towers, scratching posts, and toys that encourage mental and physical stimulation. Of course playing with your cat is good for both of you!
Can I give my cat flea prevention?
Yes, but it is best to consult your veterinarian about the best flea prevention medication. Vacuuming and cleaning your cat’s bedding can also reduce flea infestations.
Can cats get heatstroke?
Yes, cats can get heatstroke. If you notice your cat panting like a dog, this may be a sign of heatstroke. Older cats and kittens, and cats with asthma and kidney disease are more at risk for heatstroke. Some signs include a temperature above 104 degrees, rapid pulse and breathing, vomiting, sweaty feet, lethargy, and difficulty walking. According to Dr. Heather Loenser of the American Animal Hospital Association, “You can use warm water (not cold) on a cat’s abdomen, ears and paws and then turn a fan on them to mimic sweat. Cats, like dogs, don’t sweat to cool down, so this method of cooling by a veterinary team or pet owner will be appreciated by the cat. No matter what, go to your vet for further care, even if your cat seems to be acting normally after being overheated.”
What is normal eye discharge for a cat?
Some cats may have clear discharge that may dry and look brown and crusty. This discharge is typically normal and not a cause for concern. However, if your cat has yellow or green discharge, their eyes look red, they are constantly scratching or rubbing their eyes, or you have to wipe their eyes more than twice a day, you should make a veterinary appointment as this could be a sign of a more serious issue.